John Abraham

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Джон вошел в мировую 7-ку Green - горячих мужских эталонов, которые являются Защитниками  окружающей среды

По материалам :

Действительно ли они более горячи, потому что вовлечены в ЭКО миссию? Эти семь горячих мужских Green-эталонов придерживаются скудного вегетарианского питания и являются известными личностями. Узнайте, какие зеленые эталоны мужской красоты "лучше будут ходить голыми [и они делают это], чем носить мех" .

Итак, Джон Абрахам номер 3 среди таких звезд, как Картер Устерхаус (№ 1), Хейден Кристенсен (№ 2), Кори Вилс (№ 4), Маркус Шенкенберг (№ 5), Пирс Броснан (№ 6), Габриэль Обри (№ 5) .

Индийский мужчина-модель, превратившийся  в актера Болливуда - Джона Абрахама. Он вегетарианец и работает с организациями "Среда обитания для Человечества" и "PETA". Simran Kodesia от PETA говорит о его влиянии: "Когда Джон Абрахам говорит в защиту животных, молодые люди Индии слушают. Его тесная связь с PETA дает возможность донести до людей чувство сострадания к птицам и другим животным, повлиять на большее количество людей, чем когда-либо раньше."

Перевод - Arizona … alists.php


Arizona написал(а):

А на Жаклин в действии можно посмотреть в ролике Аладина

Какая хорошенькая!

Аризона огромное спасибо!


Antony D’Souza: From ‘Blue’ to ‘Aerial’
IndiaGlitz [Tuesday, October 20, 2009]

If Madhur Bhandarkar attempts for trilogies based on pragmatic issues – (Page 3, Corporate, Traffic Signal, Fashion & Jail), here’s ad filmmaker Antony D’Souza on an unparalleled efforts of making trilogy on ‘nature-borne adventures’…

If ‘Blue’ was an underwater escapades with breathtaking stunts, his next flick tentatively titled as ‘Aerial’ will bring the air-oriented adventure with three-heroes in lead role.

Earlier, it was reported that Akshay Kumar had signed the deal and so was John Abraham. But now with official information rendered by closer hands of Antony, it stated that Akshay hasn’t been roped in yet. At the moment, John Abraham and Sonal Chauhan have been included in the list and talks are going on with another actor.

John Abraham and Antony D’ Souza have been shared a great relationship and had discussed about working together. Well now, the duo has joined hands together for the first time. Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision, producers of ‘Blue’ will churn out this action-adventure as well and A.R. Rahman is expected to score music. … 50888.html


Спасибо за новость, Osetinka, переведу скоро:)


Не за что! Буду ждать!


Энтони Дсоуза: От «Синего» до «Воздушного»

Antony D’Souza: From ‘Blue’ to ‘Aerial’
IndiaGlitz [Tuesday, October 20, 2009]

Если Мадхур Бхандаркар экспериментирует, снимая трилогии, основанные на прагматических вопросах (Страница 3, Корпоративный, Сигнал на дороге, Мода и тюрьма), то кинематографист Энтони Дсоуза предпринимает беспрецедентную попытку создать трилогию на тему «приключения на лоне природы»...
И если «Синий» (Blue) был веселой подводной авантюрой с захватывающими дух трюками, то следующий его фильм под рабочим названием «Воздушный» (Aerial) сулит троим главным героям приключение, связанное со стихией воздуха.
Ранее сообщалось, что как Акшай Кумар, так и Джон Абрахам подписали контракт. Но сейчас из официальной информации, предоставленной ближайшим окружением Энтони, стало ясно, что Акшай еще не вовлечен в этот проэкт. На данный момент в список включены Джон Абрахам и Сонал Чаухан, также идут переговоры с другим актером.
Джон Абрахам и Энтони Дсоуза всегда были в прекрасных отношениях и не раз обсуждали совместную работу. Что ж, теперь дуэт впервые объединился, пожав руки по-деловому. Займутся созданием этого приключенческого боевика продюсеры фильма «Синий» Шри Аштавинаяк Сине Вижн; так же ожидается, что музыку к фильму сочинит А.Р. Рахман.

Перевод mari

Поиск в источнике … 50888.html Osetinka


Спасибо огромное!!!!!!!!!!!


"Relationship between John & Pakhi unfolds on telephone in 1:800 Love" - Abbas Tyrewala
By Subhash K. Jha, October 23, 2009 - 11:19 IST

John never had to work as hard as he did to get it right for Abbas Tyrewala's 1: 800 Love. Interestingly, a large part of the drama unfolds through telephonic conversations in this film, just like in Abbas' previous film, Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na.

And every actor knows emoting on the phone is one of the most difficult forms of acting. Says the 1: 800 Love director, Abbas Tyrewala, "It's a challenge for the most seasoned of actors. A lot of the relationship between John and Pakhi (John's co-star and also the director's wife) unfolds on the telephone. It was tough. But Pakhi insisted on being on the sets in London to give cues even when John alone was doing all the telephonic talk. That made it far easier. She was providing him the cues while he delivered his lines on the phone."

Abbas isn't sure yet how he's going to edit all the telephonic conversation in his film. But split screens showing the man and the woman talking to each other from separate places are out. "That's the easy way out. I'll have to find a way to show continuity in John and Pakhi's conversations without resorting to gimmicks. But I've to hand it to John. He surrendered completely to the part and he has come out with a performance that's completely unexpected. Dare I say 1: 8 00 Love is a new beginning for John."

Abbas tries to assess his wife's performance dispassionately. "She was always an actress. But she's also my wife. So I was very nervous. Luckily, Pakhi has turned out to be everything that we expected her to be."

A lot has been made out of the fact that Pakhi has acted in a comedy Yeh Kya Ho Raha Hai earlier. But Abbas is nonchalant about it. "We never hid the fact that she acted as Punarnava Mehta in Yeh Ka Ho Raha Hai. Then she went to Darjeeling to be school teacher. I got her back and I persuaded her to return to acting. She was born to be an actress."

Many times while shooting 1: 800 Love Abbas was stricken by déjà vu. "It was like going back to Jaane Tu...Ya Jaane Na. The hero is introduced to the audience on the phone in both. Then when I shot a scene in a pub with John, it turned out exactly like a pub scene between Genelia and Ayaaz Khan in Jaane Tu. Just goes to prove, directors apparently keep making variations on the same idea all their career."

The London schedule went off without a hitch. "One of the actors Rohn was initially denied a visa. I insisted we can't work without him. Thank God." … index.html


Big Switch for John Abraham

After Piggy Chops and Neha Dhupia, its time for another Bollywood ka tadka to represent the UTV Bindass show, Big Switch which is starting this weekend. John Abraham is witness in one of the episodes very soon.

“John will be seen in one of the episode of Big Switch where he will be spending some quality time with the contestants,” chirps the source.

Alongside one will see John taking part in the task too. “John will be competing in for a (handcart) haatgadi race as he competes with the participants and boost their morals in the show with the slum kids,” adds the khabroo.

When asked of in which episode we can see John, our source quips, “It is yet to be decided but definitely very soon.”

So viewers are you ready to watch your macho man in a handcart competition? The show goes on air from 24 October at 7:00 pm.


Не за что , Осетинка! Но новые статьи пока не могу перенести, так что попозже переведу, только на следующей неделе. Спасибо тебе, что ищешь, нам новости нужны - на сайте тоже!


mari написал(а):

Спасибо тебе, что ищешь, нам новости нужны - на сайте тоже!

Не за что!

mari написал(а):

только на следующей неделе

Ничего страшного! Лучше поздно,чем никогда!


1: 800 Love makes John telephonic
IndiaGlitz [Friday, October 23, 2009]

Director Abbas Tyrewala brings his forthcoming movie ‘1: 800 Love’ with a difference. Most part of the film includes telephonic gupshup between the lead pair.

‘1: 800 Love’ stars John Abraham and Pakhi, who is actually the director’s wife and had earlier appeared in the comedy movie, ‘Yeh Kya Ho Raha Hai’. Talking about the shooting, the director said, “It’s a challenge for the most seasoned of actors. A lot of the relationship between John and Pakhi unfolds on the telephone. It was tough.” He revealed that Pakhi insisted on being on the sets in London to give cues even when John alone was doing all the telephonic talk.

The telephonic conversations have been showcased using split screens with both the actors talking from two different places. The director is pretty impressed with John and Pakhi’s performances. He stated that while ‘1: 8 00 Love’ is a new beginning for John, Pakhi turned out to be everything that they expected her to be. … 51021.html


John Abraham pushes 'haath gadi' on reality show

By Bollywood Hungama News Network, October 24, 2009 - 14:52 IST

John Abraham, who's known to be a sports enthusiast, is rubbing of his love onto the contestants of 'Big Switch', the upcoming reality TV show. John, who is known to be big on bikes, did the most unlikely of things; he flagged off a haath gadi race for the contestants. Which, when you factor in the theme of the show, should not be a big surprise. 'Big Switch' is not about fancy stuff like bikes, it's about simple living and surviving without material pleasures.

The show brings together 10 rich kids from across the country and pairs them up with the slum kids who act as buddies to them as they struggle to survive sans luxury. The event saw John in the company of Natasha Suri (ex Miss India) & Rekha (her partner), Pooja Misra (Model) & Shabana, Adam Bedi (Actor) & Bhavesh, Sunny Sara (Industrialist) & Abhishek. John was like a morale booster for the contestants as he encouraged them to believe in their dreams. … index.html


John comes to Natasha’s rescue!

TNN 24 October 2009, 11:33am IST

At a recent promotional event for UTV Bindass’ new reality show ‘Big Switch’, its contestants were given a task to John Abraham joins Natasha Suri in the handcart race at the launch event of 'Big Switch', the new reality show on UTV Bindass push handcarts to  a finishing line, while gen-X heartthrob John Abraham was in attendance to boost their morale and
add to the glamour value.
Everything was hunky-dory and all the contestants were having fun in the frenzy, when one of them, former Miss India World Natasha Suri, was seen lagging behind with her handcart, as she was wearing high heels. Little did she realise, she had a gentleman marking her plight.

Within seconds, John jumped into the fray and joined Natasha in her task, as if like a knight in shining armour. While her co-contestants couldn’t help but stare almost in jealousy, winning and losing hardly mattered to Natasha after that. No wonder, this Barbie doll of fashion now wants to be “the female John Abraham - hot and sexy, but with a heart”. … 156221.cms


John Abraham promotes a reality TV show, refuses to join medium

Mumbai, Oct 24 : Even as more and more Bollywood stars are hosting television shows, actor John Abraham promotes a reality show but refuses to join the medium in the near future.

Abraham flagged off a hand-pulled cart race organised for the promotion of a reality show that would showcase super rich class and poor would be living together in the real slum in Mumbai.

The show titled 'Big Switch' would bring together ten contestants from both rich and poor worlds.

The show would demand rich class contestants to perform tasks like selling trinkets at a traffic signal, polishing boots at railway station, collecting garbage and selling fish in order to fulfil demands of their poor buddies in order to win.

And the dreams would include a new home for their family, owning a beauty parlour, getting college education and opening an event management company.

Abraham said that the show has a unique concept and is one of its kinds in the country.

"I think it's a great concept. We have some of the participants out here, the superrich and the dreamers, all behind me. I have had the opportunity to meet them because I went as the guest for the finale," said Abraham.

However, he refused to enter the medium.

"I am very sure that at least for another 10-15 years I don not want to do TV. I will not do TV. I am very clear about it," he added.

Actress Genelia D'Souza would be hosting the show. 'Big Switch' is latest entrant to the reality show line-up hosted by Bollywood actors.

Reality shows are popular among Indian audiences, but some local versions of global series have even stirred controversy. … 7673/cs/1/


John Abraham: The EcoWarrior

Going green has become a deeply held cause embraced by many of Hollywood’s elite. Be it Leonardo Dicaprio, Salma Hayek, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, or Sean Penn; there is a whole list of celebrities from the West that support environmental organisations and show that they care.

And if the West is doing it, can our desi celebs be far behind? Here's a look at the rich and the famous and what they are doing to spread the green message.

John Abraham:

Bollywood hunk John Abraham, besides being eye candy, also devotes effort and monies to support causes that he believes in. John was awarded the EcoWarrior award on World Environment Day for championing the cause of elephants. John's sensitivity and sense of social responsibility drove him to help in creating India's first elephant village in Maharashtra.

The EcoWarrior awards are given out by the Earth Matters Foundation as recognition and to honour those who worked towards the cause of environment.

John has been working with grass root communities for creating habitat for animal welfare. His commitment towards elephants has helped several of these wild animals return to their natural home. "It all starts at the micro level and then you have to take it to the macro level," said John.

And at the micro level it does start for John. The actor, who is actively involved with PETA, is a staunch vegetarian and even campaigned for the cause wearing spring onions and a garland of peas. He gave up eating meat after seeing new chicken farms outside Mumbai. "I love animals so why would I eat them?" he questions.

John also recently pledged to use his motor-bike more than his car to reduce consumption of fuel and for lower carbon emissions. That John is totally nuts about biking is besides the point! … id=3225854


Osetinka, спасибо! Ты меня завалила:)До четверга сделаю предыдущие! Интересные статьи - про шоу особенно.


mari написал(а):

Ты меня завалила:)


219Нет, что ты, я в хорошем смысле - спасибо, статьи нужны, а з не знаю, где искать, Аризона пока занята. Так что ты молодчина!


mari написал(а):

Нет, что ты, я в хорошем смысле - спасибо, статьи нужны, а з не знаю, где искать, Аризона пока занята. Так что ты молодчина

Спасибо! Ну тогда я буду искать, а ты переводить...

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