John Abraham

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ЛЁЛЯ. написал(а):

В первых числах мая будет неделя моды,где он приглашен гостем.может хоть оттуда что то увидим?



ЛЁЛЯ. написал(а):

Как я поняла-не очень хорошая новость....
   … -Pakhi.htm

Джон Абрахам разочаровался ...

Посмотрев фильм "1:800 Love", Джон почувствовал, что режиссер Аббас Тиревалла принял сторону своей жены и отказался рекламировать фильм.

Фильм Аббаса Тиреваллы 1:800 Love, кажется, внезапно попал в новости по неправильным причинам. Режиссер недавно провел специальный показ для звезды фильма, Джона Абрахама. Есои верить слухам - актер был шокирован тем, что он увидел. Большая чать фильма была сосредоточена на его партнерше Пакхи (жена Аббаса), а его роль была практически незаметна !

Говорит источник, "Джон был явно расстроен после просмотра фильма. Было такое ощущение, что Аббас сделал 1:800 Love для своей жены. Он почувствовал, что в фильме слишком много Пакхи, а его почти нет. Джон ясно дал понять свое негодование и заявил, что он отказывается рекламировать фильм."

(автор перевода - Rulka)


Если ВЕРИТЬ календарю хунгамы-нет ни одного фильма Джона в 2010 году.....


Apr 23, 2010 - 10:10 AM
John had a crush on his German teacher. … r-768.html

Отредактировано ЛЁЛЯ. (2010-04-23 10:50:07)


John Abraham upset by rumours

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Though he is not seen in any films at the moment, but John Abraham is still not out of the gossip groups. Now, the latest is that John is acting high handed. The poor soul, who is actually known for his down-to-earth behaviour can't figure out how these unfound rumours are created and distributed by anonymous people.
According our sources, which are close to the actor, "John finds it extremely unpleasant when his name is dragged in controversies for no good reason. The actor has always behaved in the most respectful way throughout and some section of the gossip club is accusing him of high handed behaviour and someone who throws a lot of tantrums without any reason. John simply expresses surprise when his name is associated with such acts. In fact he feels that the gossip mill is working overtime to malign him for no reason at all."

At the moment John is lying low since he is not having any immediate release at the moment. But, looks like the gossip columns won't spare him even if he chooses to stay obscure. … 041014.asp

Asin next on John’s list?

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John Abraham has been out of news for some time now. But the hot hunk has found his way back to newspapers with his new found friendship with the gorgeous southern babe Asin. The two actors are working on Vipul Shah’s next film (un-titled) and seem to have become great friends.

And why not when they share the same passion for racing bikes? Interestingly, buzz is that John also invited Asin to his home. Not that we are hinting something but the ‘inviting home’ bit does makes our eyebrows arc up. But apparently, our mean machine freak John has a kind of mini museum at his home with frames of the world’s best racing bikes hanging on the walls; and therefore he has invited the lady to come home and have a dekkho.

Though rumours about fresh link ups aren’t common in tinsel ville, when it comes to our John we tend to believe it. What with his past history of getting all too friendly with his female co-stars. He has been linked to Vidya Balan during ‘Salam-E-Ishq’ which spelled trouble in his and Bipasha’s relationship. There were also reports of John’s ‘dostana’ with Katrina Kaif during ‘New York’ which got him in Salman Khan’s hate list.

Эти взяла переводить Мари)))

Отредактировано Osetinka (2010-04-27 09:00:39)

446 … -Sahib.htm

Взяла Мари)))

447 … 863401.cms

Взяла Мари)

448 … 56224.html



Фардин передал права на ремейк Kaakha Kaakha Випулу Шаху

Кто сказал что в кинопромышленности никто не может быть щедрым. Спросите об этом Джона Абрахама. Джон захотел сделать ремейк тамильского супер-хита Kaakha Kaakha на хинди. Но узнал что права на ремейк пренадлежат Фардину Кхану.

Когда Джон увидел оригинал фильма, он сразу начал переговоры о ремейке со своим новым другом режиссером Нишкантом Каматом. Нишкант тогда был занят фильмом под производством UTV. Но увидев Kaakha Kaakha, он решил что фильм стоит сделать с Джоном, прежде чем другие актеры (Салман Кхан тоже был заинтересован проектом) успеют это сделать. И Нишкант с другим режиссером Випулом Шахом попросили Фардина отдать им права на ремейк. "Фардин был очень щедр. Мне не пришлось его долго убеждать. Когда он послушал мои идеи, сразу отдал права на ремейк. Я думаю, в промышленности все мы должны так относиться к друг другу, нет причин быть не щедрыми. Когда Аджай Девган попросил меня отдать название моего фильма All The Best, то я сразу согласился. И это было даже к лучшему. Моему фильму досталось оригинальное название Aankhen" , говорит Випул Шах.

Фардин просил о заключении нового контракта, когда отдавал права на ремейк? На это Випул говорит решительно, "Фардин даже не предлагал, чтобы я заключил контракт с ним для римейка. Это вызвало бы затруднение для нас обоих. Я не думаю, что мы должны когда-либо смешивать бизнес с удовольствием. Я хотел бы работать с Фардином, когда у меня будет проект для него. Но не бделать это принужденно"

Хотя Випул взаплатил Фардину РТС 60 lakh. "Я дал Фардину точное количество денег, которое он заплатил за права римейка на Kaakha Kaakha. Он не ожидал ничего больше." Теперь Нишкант Камат занят, переписывая Kaakha Kaakha. Хотя оригинальный тамильский фильм был показан только в Индии, римейк будет представлен во многих странах за границей.

Трюков с Джоном будет больше чем были с Сурьей в оригинале. И будет лучше чем у Салмана в Wanted.

Как нам известно, главную женскую роль сыграет Асин. "Женелья никогда не рассматривалась на роль. Нишкант с самого начало желал для этой роли только Асин. И нам не важно сколько проектов у Асин было в Болливуде и даже то что в течении последних 8 месяцев она ничем не занята. Она отлично подходит для этой роли." говорит Джон.

* по материалам (перевод Анаита)


Three of John Abraham’s movies are in the cans for some reason or the other. However, the actor’s popularity is still intact.

When he launched a couple of deodorants at a city hotel two nights ago, hell broke loose! The media turned up in droves to corner John and get sound bytes from him. And you’ll never believe what happened after that.

The actor had to be escorted to the safety of a hotel room (usually hell breaks loose when Bipasha Basu is around, doesn’t it?) because of the tizzy he caused. Also at the media desk pandemonium reigned. Samples of the fragrances that John launched were being distributed and once again those who couldn’t get hold of John wanted to at least get their hands on the product he launched.

Press people were screaming, shouting and nearly trampled upon. If this is the measure of John’s popularity, then producers should try and get his movies out of the cans and infuse life into them … 868177.cms

Отредактировано ЛЁЛЯ. (2010-04-29 13:17:41)


John Abraham is on a high. He says he has planned his career for next couple of years at least and has set his standards of what kind of people and scripts he is looking to work in. While he does have a list of interesting projects coming up, including the long postponed Aashayein, he is also turning a producer.

The actor is co-producing a documentary called ‘The Return of the Tiger’ with wildlife photographer Mike Pandey to create awareness about the royal animal and he is quite kicked about it. “That will go on for two years. I am co-producing and I am the narrator,” he says excitedly.

With his love for action and the wild we also questioned if he would be seen in the documentary but John refuses. “I would have loved to be on screen too but I think tigers look more beautiful!” he quips. The actor has been known to be an animal lover and has been associated with PETA for years now. … 64072.html

Отредактировано ЛЁЛЯ. (2010-04-30 14:33:41)


I am trying to do solo films: John Abraham

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He's given us hits like "Garam Masala", "Dhoom" and "Dostana", but they've all been multi-starrers. Now John Abraham says he is in pursuit of solo hero movies after taking a sabbatical to groom himself and restructure his life to step into the best phase of his career.

John's last film "New York" (2009) received much critical acclaimed, but that too was a multi-starrer.

"I am trying to do solo films, which could be commercially successful. I'm aiming to do that with certain directors who I believe will kind of create a platform for me and the kind of scripts that will work also," John told IANS in an interview.

The 36-year-old, who made an impressive start with romantic thriller "Jism" in 2003, has experimented with comedy, action and family drama. He says he is open to doing different genres but adds that he would prefer working on real stories.

"I look at films that entertain rather than looking at genres. If you speak of genres, then technically I should only do action films, but that doesn't mean I will do only action. The idea is to do real stories," said the actor.

John, who disappeared after "New York", will be seen on the big screen in Abbas Tyrewala's romantic comedy "1-800-Love".

"It's a romantic comedy. It's like 'Notting Hill'...And I think Abbas has done a great job."

Talking about his sabbatical, John said: "I was designing my house and reading books. I was restructuring my professional life and trying to understand how I could give better films. I took time off so that I could do quality work."

"I read books to understand the type of films I want to do. I don't want to copy other films. I want to do originals. I want to do human stories. I want to understand how to position myself in front of the audience and decided these are the films audience will enjoy.

"So I was restructuring by trying to select the right scripts, right directors, right producers. You start charting out your life, like a game of chess. Now it's planned and the best part of my professional life starts now," he added.

The actor has an impressive line up of releases - "Hook Ya Crook", "Aashayein", "Alibaba Aur 41 Chor" (voiceover), "Saat Khoon Maaf" and "Dostana 2".

John has often been complimented for his good looks and sculpted body and the actor is the brand ambassador of Garnier Men grooming products. He says men care more about their looks nowadays.

"I think men have become more conscious because they have realised that women have become more independent. Today, women have a choice. Earlier, women didn't have a choice. She can tell a man to get out. So men have learnt to groom themselves, become smarter, better. And part of the deal is to smell good, look good, and feel fresh. So that's why men's products have become much more relevant today," said John.,i … rview.html


John to venture into production

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If John Abraham hasn’t been seen in nearly a year, it’s also because he’s preparing for his maiden production venture.

The movie, to be helmed by his friend Sabal Shekhawat, reportedly revolves around five ex-commandos. And besides Abraham, it also features Naseeruddin Shah and Ranvir Shorey in important roles. The film is still untitled and should take off next year after the actor wraps up his current commitments.

Any other actor would have upped his ante and locked at least a couple of multi-crore deals after two back-to-back hits with big banners. But John Abraham opted to take a break after Dostana and New York. Quiz him on his surprising move and he retorts, “I want the audience to see my next film and say, ‘Hey, this was worth waiting for.’” Abraham admits that after wrapping up Abbas Tyrewala’s Love-1800 (that’s still a tentative title), he has been offered loads of scripts. “But I’m being choosy because I want to do only good films,” he asserts.

Raising the bar
He is presently shooting for Vishal Bharadwaj’s Saath Khoon Maaf with Priyanka Chopra in Coorg. In the city for a day to launch a deodorant for Garnier for Men, of which he’s the brand ambassador, Abraham says, “I think people should respect the fact that I’ve chosen to take a break at a time when I could have made hay. Unfortunately, a section of the media do not see the commitment behind this deliberate move.”

He points out that he has some interesting films lining up for release, starting with Abbas’s film in September for which he did a lot of workshops before they started shooting. Now, I’m taking a break for workshops for my next film. “Dostana was good, New York was better. Now I want to raise the bar with Abbas and Nishikant’s (Nishikant Kamath) films. I have a lot of faith in Abbas and am a fan of Nishikanth’s previous films like Dombivili Fast and Mumbai Meri Jaan. For me, his remake of Khaka Khaka is the Sarfarosh of today.”

Everything is planned
Abraham admits that Tyrewalla’s film wrapped up last year, but will only release around Eid this year. “I did ask Abbas if we weren’t going on the floors a little too earlier given that he had his release date planned, and he explained that he wanted to break it up and do the songs later since (AR) Rahman, who’s composing the background needed time,” he informs, reiterating that he’d rather wait than have a substandard film coming out in a hurry.

He says that this is the best phase for him professionally and he’s really excited. “The break was much-needed, it gave me the opportunity to retrospect,” he asserts, adding with a smile, “The next one will be longer. My advice to everyone is take a break every once in a while, it works.” … 37926.aspx

I hope the big guns don’t shelve Hook Ya Crook: John

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Hook Ya Crook ground to a halt after you injured your leg. And since then there has been no progress on it. Seems the endless wait is to rope in Team India cricketers along with your friend Mahendra Singh Dhoni for the climax.
We all know that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is the sole authority when it comes to our cricketers. By the time my leg healed, the logistics had got out of hand and the producers were wondering if the project was still viable or to pull the plug out. I’ve committed to David that I’ll finish the film for him. But there are larger financial issues that need to be taken up by people in the macro set-up. Hook Ya Crook works for me and it would be unfortunate if the film was shelved. We’re waiting for the big guns to take a call.

By the time Abbas’ film releases, I’ll have started on Nishikant’s film for Vipul Shah. Then there’s Dostana 2, followed by Desi Boys with Akshay (Kumar). There’s also a fantastic sci-fi movie with Shirish Kunder and my own  production. Phew! Oh I forgot, there’s a slice-of-life real story movie with Kapil Sharma, son of Captain Rakesh Sharma.

Nagesh Kukunoor’s Aashaayein has been complete for over a year now. When will it see the light of the day?
(Sighs) We’re all wondering why such a wonderful movie is not releasing. It’s beyond our comprehension. The producers need to sort out their differences soon. I’m so proud of the film.

One expected to see you rooting for Dhoni’s Chennai Super Kings at the IPL Season 3 grand finale.
I’ve been busy but I’m very happy for Mahi and he knows it. So what if I didn’t watch matches at the stadium.

Tell us some secrets from the Saat Khoon Maaf sets?
(Smiles) Vishal will kill me! He met me and asked me if I had seen Brad Pitt in the Cohen Brothers’ film, Burn After Reading. When I nodded, he told me that if I wanted to do a film just for kicks, then this was it. It’s a fun role that I agreed to immediately because I admire Vishal’s work immensely. It’s one of those films I’d do without thinking because I’m so confident of the director.

Buzz is that you refused to sport a moustache for Nishikant Kamat’s movie.
Nonsense, we’re still trying to figure out the look for this character. Nishikant is a perfectionist and it’s not about being glam but real.

No tweets for john: Why aren’t you on Twitter?
I’m not interested in letting the world know when I’m going to the loo. Certain things about John Abraham are best left for people’s imagination. Ha ha…

454 … ay/613515/


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A Run Of Bad Luck!

1-800-Love – Pakhi Favoured!
When John attended the special screeing of 1-800-Love, he was in for a shock as the film turned out to be a paean by director Abbas Tyrewala (Jaane Tu...) to his actress wife Pakhi (Punarnava Mehta). According to rumours, the actor has since refused to do the publicity rounds for the film, as he feels that he was hardly there in the movie. Apparently, others at the screening felt that John’s anger is justified given that the film is like a Pakhi show-reel!

But the greater blow to John is the fact that the film’s release may be delayed due to financial issues. The producer Madhu Mantena, however, refutes this, saying, “The film was shot in London during summer last year. The story needs a summer set-up. We will be shooting in London again in May-June.” Hmmm... a Hindi film being shot in London across two summers – no wonder they are having financial problems!

Aashayein Shelved
John had a lot of hopes for Nagesh Kukunoor’s Aashayein as this film showcased his talents as an actor. And though the film had its audio release in May 2008, its release has been delayed for over two years. The film’s producers (Percept) say it’ll have a July release. Don’t hold your breath though!

Hook Ya Crook Canned?
David Dhawan’s Hook Ya Crook, starring John, Genelia D’Souza and Amrita Rao, was supposed to have hit the theatres by now but is still lying in the cans – the reasons floating around vary from budgetary issues to unavailability of the dates of leading cricketers who have a cameo in the film.

Lady Luck Smiles Again?

Dostana 2
Now here is the one film that will undo all the negativity of the last one year. Dostana 2 is supposed to go on the floors in July and there are stories floating around already about how K-Jo has asked John to get even more buffed up! (Is that possible?) And this time round the boys will have Katrina Kaif for company. We are giving them time till August before the rumours of the on-sceen sizzling chemistry and an affair start floating around. Affair between Abhi and John of course! What were you thinking!?

Kaakha Kaakha re-make
This film is like a hit formula being served on a platter to John. Tamil director Gautham Menon’s 2003 hit Kaakha Kaakha is all set to be re-made in Hindi by none other than Nishikant Kamat of Mumbai Meri Jaan fame! Whoa! Reports are that the action scenes are going to be bigger and better. PHWOOAR! John’s co-star will be Asin. Nice!

Saat Khoon Maaf
Now it does not get better than this! John plays one of Priyanka Chopra’s husbands in Saat Khoon Maaf, being directed by Vishal Bhardwaj. How cool is that? Working with Vishal has done wonders to the careers of actors like Saif and Shahid.

John’s Rebuttal
“Why make me the face of all the problems faced by my films? I can only say with complete certainty that no film of mine will ever get delayed, because of me, or shelved if I can help it.”

John’s Take
“It’s not about the number of assignments, but the quality of work I do. If I may say so myself, the audience that comes to watch my films has a certain expectation especially after the two back-to-back successes (Dostana and New York) that I had.”


John Abraham, who flew to the city for a brand promotion late last week, has resumed shooting in Coorg for Vishal Bhardwaj’s Saat Khoon Maaf, with Priyanka Chopra, his co-star in Dostana and Karam. The actor plays one of Chopra’s seven husbands in the movie-version of Ruskin Bond’s Susanna’s Seven Husbands, being directed by Bhardwaj.

Replacement therapy
A month ago, buzz was that south superstar Mohanlal had been approached for the same role but he opted out because he didn’t have the required dates in his diary. Before that, the character had also been offered to Naseeruddin Shah, who played Arshad Warsi’s uncle in Bhardwaj’s production, Ishqiya, recently. However, he couldn’t accept Saat Khoon... for various reasons. “I’ve already started shooting for Saat Khoon Maaf. I’ve finished five days of work, six more to go. If everything goes as planned, I should be back in the city in the first half of the next week. Otherwise, I may have to extend the stay,” says Abraham, pointing out that Chopra is away in the capital with her family, mourning the sudden demise of her paternal grandmother.

Without revealing much about the character, Abraham says that he’s extremely happy with his decision to do the film. “I trust Vishal’s vision. And seriously, I’m having a blast shooting this movie. He had told me that I should do this film if I wanted to do one just for the kicks. He was right,” states Abraham, who’s working for the first time with Bhardwaj.As of now, Neil Nitin Mukesh, last seen in Madhur Bhandarkar’s Jail, and Irrfan Khan, last seen in New York, are the other two actors who are playing Priyanka Chopra’s husbands in the film.

If rumours are to be believed, Chopra has a negative role in Saat Khoon Maaf. If it’s true, then it’s the third time that she’d be seen in a grey character. She’s earlier played a negative role in Aitraaz, opposite Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor, and in Yakeen, opposite Arjun Rampal.


New York, now in Egypt                                                … 40478.aspx

Отредактировано ЛЁЛЯ. (2010-05-08 13:39:19)


John Abraham, Saif and Anil Kapoor in Race 2

Джон Абрахам, Саиф и Анил Капур в «Гонке 2»

Несколько имен вылетели из списка участников сиквела «Гонки» и несколько новых имен его пополнили. Одно из них стоит специально упомянуть – это стильный Джон Абрахам. Саиф Али Кхан и Анил Капур остануться в продолжении, но Акшай Кханна и Катрина Каиф выпали.

Говорят, что «Гонка 2» будет более захватывающей и стильной, чем оригинал. Джон прочитал сценарий и ему очень понравилась его роль. Он дал свое согласие на фильм. Как сообщает источник: «Джон прочитал сценарий, и он действительно ему понравился. После «Байкеров» это второй сценарий, который ему понравился сразу после прочтения. Герой, которого он играет, не просто роскошен, но также является обладателем большой коллекции импортных машин и мотоциклов. Все знают, что Джон ярый мото-ездок.»

Говоря о его внешнем виде в фильме, источник сообщил: «Он выглядит очень сексуально и круто. Также в фильме много трюков, автомобильных гонок и несколько сцен дайвинга на глубине моря. До сих пор подыскивается место, лучше всего подходящее для съемок фильма.»

Рамеш Таурани сказал, когда с ним связались: «В сценарий наносятся последние штрихи, и пока нам надо только заполучить Саифа и Анила Капура.»


By Kunal M Shah
Posted On Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 03:35:43 AM


Компания UTV откладывает Hook Ya Crook, поэтому Джон Абрахам и Девид Дхаван решают закончить фильм сами.

Фильм режиссера Девида Дхавана Hook Ya Crook с Джоном Абрахамом и Женелией Дсоуза в главных ролях, казалось бы, имел все шансы на успешное завершение, когда запускался некоторое время назад – включая такого солидного продюсера, как компания UTV.

Но поступили новости, что фильм, на данный момент готовый на 90 процентов, вроде бы отложен. UTV, которая вложила несколько миллионов рупий в проэкт, сейчас чувствует, что фильм не срабатывает.

Источник сообщает: «Hook Ya Crook был фильмом, который финансировала даже UTV, но, увидев несколько фрагментов из него, продюсеры не были осчастливлены продуктом. У них возникли явные творческие разногласия с режиссером Девидом Дхаваном, вследствие чего фильм был отложен. Прошло около шести месяцев с тех пор, как съемки фильма были остановлены, и сейчас проэкт «заморожен». Это было убыточным решением для UTV, учитывая, что они уже вложили 20 млн.рупий в этот фильм.»

Пока сплетни о том, что фильм «застрял», ходят кругами некоторое время, каждый, кто связан с проэктом, настаивает на том, что единственная задержка заключается в том, что звезды индийского крикета пока недоступны из-за дат съемок.   
Сидхарт Рой Капур с UTV сказал: «Мы ждем установления дат от игроков в крикет, так как нам надо снять финал фильма с ними. Как только мы сверим даты и снимем, провозгласим дату выхода фильма.»
Развязка Hook Ya Crook – крикетный матч между командой Индии и командой, состоящей из тюремных заключенных. Джон Абрахам играет капитана тюремной команды.
«Решение UTV отложить фильм стало для Джона огромной неудачей, потому что он верил в этот фильм и действительно трудился над ним, особенно после того, как его последний фильм Aаshayein так и не вышел на экраны», - сказал источник.
Другой источник добавил о закрытии проэкта: «Как Джон, так и Девид не согласны с решением UTV отложить фильм. На самом деле, они решили закончить фильм самостоятельно и организовать его большой выход на экраны. Джон и Девид работают над скорейшими съемками оставшихся эпизодов, чтобы начать монтаж.»

Несмотря на повторящиеся звонки Девиду и Джону, они воздержались от комментариев.

Полоса невезения Джона

Похоже, Джона преследуют неудачи. Никак не выйдет его фильм Aashayein, снятый Нагешем Кукунором, а сейчас та же участь может постигнуть даже Hook Ya Crook Девида Дхавана. Ходят слухи и о 1-800-Love Аббаса Тиревалы, выпуск которого слишком затянулся.


Девчонки, забыла, кто что нашел:) Пока не подписала, найду сама или вы подскажите. Я временно закопалась в статьях...

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