John Abraham

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Arizona написал(а):

Наконец-то у Джона с премьерами фильмов что-то стало определяться,

Да,Джон заслужил уже премьеруСколько времени поклонники ничего нового не видели.А тут-сразу 2 премьерыЯдумаю-выходу уже ничто не помешает(тьфу тьфу тьфу )


John Abraham to play 18th century warrior … index.html


John’s mum impressed!

Свернутый текст

After her son John Abraham became a star, Phiroza Irani detached herself from his career. She doesn’t even have photographs or posters of his films in her house. However, after a screening of Aashayein

recently, she asked him for a collage of his pictures from the movie. “Phiroza aunty
works with some
charitable organisations. And one of them is for people who have been or are going through traumatic experiences,” informs a friend of the Abraham family, adding, “She felt that the collage of pictures would symbolise hope for them.”

The friend adds that Irani was stunned by John’s performance. “She felt that the John on screen and the one she knew were two different people. She went home beaming at her son’s act,” says the friend.

While Abraham wasn’t available for comment, his spokesperson confirms: “Considering that John’s character in Aashayein epitomises hope, Phiroza aunty will be using the movie’s story to encourage people to struggle through the difficult phases of life.” … 91257.aspx

Отредактировано ЛЁЛЯ. (2010-08-26 19:44:33)


Попался отзыв на Aashayein … index.html


Mugdha, Ayesha, Jacqueline cheer for John Abraham


Subhash K. Jha speaks about Aashayein

Свернутый текст

This is a film about coping with dying. But that's not what makes it such a special experience. It's the writer-director's profound understanding of human nature that furnishes the simple story with a lucidity and coherence even when the protagonist's mind is so numbed by physical pain he can barely think straight.

Aashayein is structured as a journey from a bright delusory light into a place where the radiance comes from a consciousness of why mortality is not to be feared.

In John Abraham's eyes are mapped the entire history of the human heart, its follies and foibles as it struggles to make coherent the indecipherable logistics that define our journey across that bridge which everyone crosses from this world to the next.

As that very fine actress Prateeksha Lonkar (a Kukunoor favourite) says, "The only difference between the healthy and the ill is that the former don't know when they are dying and the latter do."

Between that state of blissful oblivion where we all think life is forever (and a day) and that one moment when our delusions come crashing down there resides some very fine cinema. Hrishikesh Mukherjee's Anand where Rajesh Khanna smiled his way though that wobbly bridge taking us to the next world, is an interesting reference point in Aashayein.

I also thought of the actress Supriya Choudhary shouting into the dispassionate mists in the mountains, "I want to live." The echoes reverberate all the way to Kukunoor's heart warming funny and elegiac exposition on the truth that lies on the other side of that illusory mountain we call life. Kukunoor pays homage to life per se, and life as we know in the movies about death.

Even in the most poignant places in the art Kukunoor ferrets out some humour. When John's lovely girlfriend (Sonal Sehgal) hunts him down in his exilic place of the dying John quips, "So you are not going to behave like one of those heroines in films who dumps the dying hero?"

The fantasy element creeps into the hospice (yes, that's the spotless space that the story inhabits unostentatiously) with the least amount of fuss. There's a little boy (the bright and expressive Ashwin Chaitale) who weaves mystical tales borrowed from the comic books for the desperate and the dying. Here Kukunoor brings in an element of rakish adventure borrowed from the edgy hijinks of Indian Jones.

Who says money can't buy love? John uses bundles of cash to bring a smile into these doomed lives. When he doubles up with pain in womb-like postures of helplessness we feel his pain.

John in Harrison Ford's hat and whip cuts a starry figure. He has never been more fetchingly photographed. John's smile reaches his eyes, makes its way to his heart and then to ours. This film opens new doors in John's histrionic hospice .It's a performance that heals and nurtures.

John's finest moments are reserved for a hot-tempered sharp-tongued 17-year old girl on a wheelchair, played with intuitive warmth by Anaitha Nayar. He guides the relationship between these two unlikely comrades of unwellness with brilliant restrain and candour. She wants him to make love. He does with his eyes using his unshed tears as lyrical lubricant.

Here is a performance that defines the character through immense measures of unspoken anguish. Rajesh Khanna in Anand? Nope. John pitches his performance at a more wry and cynical world where true feelings are often smothered in worldly sprints across a wounded civilization.

This is unarguably Kukunoor's most sensitive and moving work since Iqbal. We often find little sobs pounding at the base of our stomachs. Not all the characters or situations are fully formed and fructified. But even the partly-realized truths in Aashayein convey more common sense and uncommon affection for life than the "entertainers" of today's cinema where laughter is generated through cracks in places very far removed from the heart.

This one takes us straight to the heart. … index.html


Hunk with a heart
Before he says anything about his contributions to various causes and NGOs, John Abraham clarifies, “Some actors talk about their charitable activities only days before a release. I’m not one of them.”

Following this disclaimer, the actor whose film Aashayein opens today, explains
that 10 per cent of the
signing amounts of all the films he takes on is donated. Charity is ingrained in him because of his mother, Phiroza Irani, who works at the Wadia Hospital and tends to terminally ill children twice a week. “She also visits the Cheshire Home for the Aged, and looks after 150 stray dogs, among other things. And she’s been doing this for over 20 years. As a child, I had promised her that once I had the money, I’d contribute in my own way and so I do,” he says.

He’s hesitant to talk about his charity work. He insists he doesn’t like blowing his own trumpet. He accepted the Eco Warrior Award last year from the Vice President but the news didn’t get any media coverage. “And I’m the only actor to have bagged the award for saving the environment and animals,” he laughs.

Abraham is actively involved with the Save The Tiger campaign and is producing a film on the subject with documentary filmmaker Mike Pandey. “The film will take two years to be made. It has to be shot at real locations, with tigers around,” he informs.

He refuses to talk about his remuneration for Aashayein. He says, “There was a slight discrepancy but everything is fine now. Everyone involved in bringing this film out — Percept, Reliance, Nagesh (director Nagesh Kukunoor) — have done a fabulous job and I do not want to wrap up the project in bad taste.” … 92927.aspx


Джон Абрахам стал дизайнером

Джон Абрахам запустил свою линию одежды под лейблом JA.

Актер лично разработал дизайн каждой футболки, на которых вы можете увидеть такие надписи, как 'Боль - временна, Гордость - навсегда', "Я как Джон Абрахам', и 'Любовь - то, когда два сердца бьются как одно'.

Коллекция доступна на вебсайт актера

Это - первый шаг для бойфренда Бипашы Басу на просторах деятельности, исключая актерство. Если Бипс может выпустить видео - курс по спортивным занятиям, то почему Джон не может что-нибудь продать ?

* по материалам (автор перевода - Rulka для



Джон, Имран и Женелия в Jaane Kya Tune Kahi Аббаса Туревалы

Второй фильм Аббаса Jhootha Hi Sahi еще не вышел, но он уже готовится снимать следующий фильм под названием Jaane Kya Tune Kahi. Этот фильм будет третьим режиссерским производством Аббаса, который завершит его романтическую трилогию.

Его первый фильм Jaane Tu...Ya Jaane Na это роман между друзьями в колледже, фильм Jhootha Hi Sahi о любовной истории между друзьями на работе, а третий планирует быть о зрелой любовной истории.

Что касается кастинга на третий фильм, то он имеет удачный состав для Jaane Kya Tune Kahi: Imran Khan и Genelia D'Souza (его звезды из Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na) и John Abraham (его актер из Jhootha Hi Sahi).

Аббас уже начал писать сценарий и подготовка производства идет полным ходом. Во всех трех фильм есть определенное сходство. Все они о историях люби между друзьями. Кстати, названия всех трех фильмов это строчки из песен популярных в прошлом.

Перевод: Malena


Джон примет участие в инд.версии "как стать миллионером" … 44200.html


ЛЁЛЯ. написал(а):

Джон примет участие в инд.версии "как стать миллионером"

Вроде 11 октября Они же уже были с Бипашей на этой передаче как-то


Osetinka написал(а):

Они же уже были с Бипашей на этой передаче как-то

я видела отрывочек только.я поняла что 11.10 будет С.Датт с промоушеном своего фильма.


Exclusive:Amitabh Bachchan On KBC First Look

я не поняла(смотреть послед.минуты)-Джон и Бипаша просто гостине участники

Отредактировано ЛЁЛЯ. (2010-09-29 13:50:29)


Я тоже ничего не поняла Видимо, просто гости...


Osetinka написал(а):

Видимо, просто гости

Мы оказались правы-просто гости … 11010.html


3 октября будет чат с Джоном
как же я завидую тем кто будет с ним общаться.а мы -надеюсь на это -увидим только фотографии


ЛЁЛЯ. написал(а):

как же я завидую тем кто будет с ним общаться.а мы -надеюсь на это -увидим только фотографии

А мы почему не можем? Там наверно просто нужно зарегистрироваться на сайте или как?


Jhootha Hi Sahi вдохновлен американским ситкомом Друзья?

Выходящий фильм Jhootha Hi Sahi, режиссера Аббаса Туревала с Джоном и Пакхи в главных ролях, столкнулся с проблемой.

Очевидно, популярный голливудский производственный дом, Warner bros. потребовали показ фильма, утверждая, что рассматриваемый фильм - грабеж их телесериала 'Друзья'. Однако, производители фильма считают это требование смешным.

Источники говорят, что производитель фильма Мэдху Мантена, получил требование от чиновников компании, которые утверждают, что фильм подобен сериалу "Друзья". Матена попытался объяснить, что между фильмом и сериалом нет никаких сходств. Однако, компания настаивает на просмотре, и в случае если все подтвердится, то они подадут иск на продюсеров.

Перевод: Malena


Osetinka написал(а):

А мы почему не можем? Там наверно просто нужно зарегистрироваться на сайте или как?

и зарегистрироваться,и общаться по английски


Call John for your problems

The chiseled hunk John Abraham has become the talk of the town. The reason for that happens to be his new initiative. He has decided to spend nearly two weeks at a radio station where he will take calls from his teenage problems and give his advises. It is heard that he has been doing such things before but now he has come into the open. The timing is said to be at 10 pm every night. This will be an impressive move from this movie hunk then.
Будем звонить Джону?

Вы здесь » John Abraham » Новости, Интервью * News & Interview » ГЛАВНЫЕ Новости / GENERAL News